Thailand – Bangkok – November 2 – 7, 2002



Back in Bangkok, we stayed at the Mandarin Hotel ($26 per day) and walked across the street to the snake farm.  These are two cobras they pulled out for exhibition to the public.


And this is a banded krait – the bite can kill you in 30 minutes. 

Below:  A spirit house – these are believed to bring good luck when you build a project, like a hotel or even a simple house.  The land spirits dwell here.



The snake farm is really there to provide anti-venoms for people who get bitten.  This hospital with attached farm supplies all the antivenom for Thailand and the surrounding countries – 162 types of snakes here. 



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Getting settled in Bangkok took a little getting used to – the traffic was not as bad as advertised, but certainly worse than Timphu!  The people were very friendly and we loved the food.    


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